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Family Night on a Budget!

 When you and your family are on a tight budget, sometimes one of the first things to be cut out is money for entertainment. When our 3 children were small, my husband and I always tried to find fun things to do as a family that didn't make a huge dent in our budget. One thing we recommend is setting aside one night a week for "Family Fun Night". Turn off the TV and the phone and do something together. It doesn't have to be an expensive outing, but do plan ahead and let the children have some input into your plan  Get together party ideas . Here are some ideas for 'family fun on a budget'. 1. Take a walk through your neighborhood. Say hello to everyone you meet, whether you know them or not. Point out to your children some of the beautiful things in nature, maybe the beautiful sunset, someone's pretty flowers, the clouds in the sky. Teaching them to enjoy and appreciate simple things is one of the greatest gifts you can give to your children. When you arri...

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